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List of Suffix in English

List of Suffix in English

Suffix Word Meaning Suffix Examples
-able, ible can be done doable, identifiable, predictable, possible
-al, ial has property of personal, partial, legal,
-ant having an effect disinfectant, coolant, accelerant
–based performing a major part of computer-based, oil-based, genetic-based
–cy state or quality accuracy, literacy, urgency,
-ed past tense of verb turned, ruined, cooked, cleaned
–ee person affected by something employee, interviewee, trainee, addressee
-en made of, being made golden, broaden, lighten
-er comparative higher, lighter, sooner, later
-er one who perform or do something doer, painter, singer, performer
-est superlative slightest, lightest, best, biggest
–free without hasslefree, carefree, debt-free, pain-free
–ful full of grateful, forgetful, fearful, careful, joyful
–hood condition, period, state childhood, brotherhood, adulthood, motherhood
–ic having property of linguistic, photographic, electric, democratic, heroic
–ics study of genetics, electronics, aeronautics
–ify giving quality to something defy, clarify, purify, solidify, classify
–ing present participle cooking, dancing, running
–ism behaviour or belief liberalism, modernism, heroism
-ist one who follows certain behaviours or belief Philanthropist, anarchist, optimist, activist
–(t)ion act or process reaction, action, projection
–(i)ty state of extremity, infinity, sanity
–(t)ive adjective active, motive, positive
–ize, -ise bring about a condition or state modernize/modernise, colonize/colonise
–less without fearless, careless, meaningless
–like resemble another alike, bird-like, child-like
–ly, -y having \quickly, quietly, wordy, handy
–ment action, process fulfilment, enjoyment, development
–ness state of, quality Happiness, newness, kindness, effectiveness, openness
–ocracy type of ruling body democracy, autocracy, meritocracy, bureaucracy
–ocrat person ruling autocrat, technocrat, democrat
–ology, -ological study of archaeology, geology, biology, physiological, biological,
–ous having callous, joyous, religious
–proof safe, protected against stain-proof, waterproof, dustproof, soundproof
–ship state or experience of specific position partnership, entrepreneurship, professorship, leadership

Navigating the Guidelines for Adding Prefixes & Suffixes in English


Understanding the intricacies of incorporating prefixes and suffixes is crucial for wielding English language proficiency effectively. Here are comprehensive rules to guide you through the labyrinth of affixing elements to words:


1. Hyphenating with Prefixes:

   - Use a hyphen when attaching a prefix to a common noun.

   - Example: Pro-American, Anti-religion.


2. Mandatory Hyphens with Specific Prefixes:

   - Always use a hyphen after the prefixes Self and Ex.

   - Examples: Self-dependent, Self-esteem, Ex-husband, Ex-employee.


3. Maintain Original Spelling:

   - Retain the original spelling of the root word when adding a prefix.

   - Examples: Undo, Disappear, Irrelevant, Cooperation, Irrational.


4. Repetition Allowed:

   - Repetition of letters is permissible, even if it results in double consonants after adding a prefix.

   - Essentially, adhere to the principle of not altering the spelling.


5. Exception for Certain Words:

   - Some words beginning with a prefix may not actually have a prefix added.

   - Example: Uncle.


6. Synonymous Prefixes:

   - Recognize that many prefixes share similar meanings.

   - Examples: 'In,' 'Im,' 'Un' all convey 'opposite of' or 'not.'


7. Parallel Suffix Meanings:

   - Similar to prefixes, numerous suffixes carry identical meanings.

   - Example: The suffix 'er' denotes the person performing an action – Teacher, Gardener, Performer.


8. Comparative Suffixes:

   - Suffix 'er' is employed at the end of adjectives or adverbs to facilitate comparisons.

   - Examples: Slow becomes slower, Soon becomes sooner, Fast becomes faster.


9. Spelling Changes with Suffixes:

   - When a suffix is added, alterations in spelling may occur, particularly with base words ending in 'y' or 'e.'

   - Examples: Happy becomes happier, Costly becomes costlier with the suffix 'er'; Manage becomes managing, Make becomes making with the suffix 'ing.'


10. Vowel-Ending Prefixes:

    - If the prefix ends in a vowel, specifically 'a,' and the base word starts with a consonant, maintain the vowel.

    - Examples: Atypical, Amoral.


By assimilating these rules, you'll navigate the intricacies of prefixing and suffixing with finesse, enhancing your command of the English language.


Mastering English Prefixes and Suffixes: A Comprehensive Guide


Understanding the application of prefixes and suffixes in English is pivotal for honing language skills and effortlessly navigating unfamiliar vocabulary. Let's delve into the definitions and examples to demystify the world of prefixes and suffixes.


What is a Prefix?


A prefix is a linguistic element added at the commencement of a root word, giving rise to a novel term. While a prefix doesn't harbor an independent meaning, its integration with a root word serves to modify the word's significance. Prefixes can render a word negative, express opinion, or signify repetition.

Prefix Examples:

1. Un (Prefix) + Happy (Root Word) = Unhappy (New Word)

2. Dis (Prefix) + Organised (Root Word) = Disorganised (New Word)


What is a Suffix?


Similar to prefixes, suffixes are linguistic elements appended to the end of a root word, crafting a fresh term. Unlike prefixes, suffixes alter the meaning of the word without imparting an opposite or negative connotation. Instead, they reclassify the root word, transforming, for instance, a verb into an adjective.


Suffix Examples:

1. Forget (Root Word) + Ful (Suffix) = Forgetful (New Word)

2. Happy (Root Word) + Ness (Suffix) = Happiness (New Word)


By grasping the dynamics of prefixes and suffixes, you empower yourself to decipher and manipulate language with precision. These linguistic tools not only enrich your vocabulary but also provide insights into the intricate nuances of word formation.

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List of Suffix in English List of Suffix in English Reviewed by Tech Sneha on 08 December Rating: 5

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